ቃለ መጠይቅ ከ መምህር ሳህሉ አድማሱ ጋር (በጋሻው ኦርቶዶክስ ነውን? የሚል መፅሀፍ ያሳተሙ )
- ‹‹ይቅርታ መጠየቅ ማለት ተሸማቆ መኖር ነው ፡፡›› አቶ በጋሻው ደሳለኝ
- ‹‹ቤተክርስትያኒቱ በአደባባይ መርቃ ስራ ምደባ ቁልፍ የሰጠቻቸው አገልጋዮች በቤተክርስትያን ላይ ወረራ ሲካሄድ ይህ የቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ ጉዳይ ነው በማለት ችላ ሊሉት አይገባም፡፡››
- ‹‹ዲፕሎማውን ወይም ድግሪውን የሰጠናችሁ ሰንበቴ እንድትጠጡበት አይደለም፡፡›› ተማሪዎች ሲመረቁ ፓትሪያልኩ የሰጡት የሥራ መመሪያ
- ‹‹የሀገርን ድንበር የሚጠብቅ ሰራዊት የውጭ ወራሪ ድንገት ቢነሳ የጠቅላይ ጦር አዛዡን ፍቃድ ትዕዛዝ መጠበቅ አይጠበቅበትም››
- ‹‹የአይጥ ምስክር ድንቢጥ እንደሚባለው ጋዜጠኛ ተብዬው ትዝታው ጥያቄውን የሚጠይቀው ደግሞ በጋሻው ነው ፡፡ የጥያቄ እና መልሱ ይዘት እከክልኝ ልከክልህ አይነት ነው፡፡››
ሙሉ ቃለመጠይቁን ያንቡት.......
ይህን መጽሀፍ ስካን አድገን መፅሀፉን በቀላሉ ማግኝት ለማይችሉ ሰዎች ፖስት እናደርጋለን፡፡
‹‹እግዚአብሔር ቤተክርስቲያን ይጠብቅ ››
It is shameful, why is our orthodox brothers fighting each other and destroy our church? Who gave us the power to write against our brothers? I personally believe that writing a book to show others fault is uselessness. It is not going to build our church, it will destroy our religion. Why don't he go and advice him instead of writing a book and distribute to the population. We learned a lot of things by their preaching, and hymn...I really felt bad about Memher Admasu Sahlu.
ReplyDeletePlease don't post useless articles like fighting in the church, negative ideas against individuals.
ReplyDeletewe just wana hear the word of GOD please
ReplyDeleteBegashaw is right and u the author u are wrong..................
Deleteyes he is orthodox who preaches jesus deeply
ReplyDeleteመምህር ሰሃሉ እባክህ አባቶቻችን ፀሎት እንጂ ክስ አላስተማሩንም፡፡ ወደ ንሰሃ አባትህ ሄደህ ንሰሃ ግባ፡፡
ReplyDeleteI don#t think that writing such ridiculous book is important to the laity rather it is against the teaching of the church.It is only and only top get fame and money by such criminal act. You can#t be famous and good servant odf the church löike memhir Begashaw and other religious singers
ReplyDeleteplease try top draft another project .
from HTTC student
Jesus! who is he to tell whether Begashaw is orthodox or not, the only person in the word who can say anything about this is Begashaw himself. There are many subjects he can write on, truth to be told how many percent of Orthodox people know clearly about their religion, including me there are question i can't give answer for.
ReplyDeleteHe is looking for fame or he wants to make money out of this, ohhh...endet tagash abat new yalen!
I know Begashaw is protestant and goes there church. Zerfe huhuhuhuh. ..
ReplyDeleteBetami yigerimal gibi bekededew wusha yigebal