Monday, May 27, 2013

ግንቦት 20 ሊደረግ የታሰበው ጉባኤ ተሰረዘ

(አንድ አድርገን ግንቦት 19 2005 ዓ.ም)፡- ግንቦት 20 2005 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 3፡00 ሰዓት አንስቶ በአጥማቂ መምህር ግርማን በተመለከተ በተለምዶ አራት ኪሎ ግቢ ገብርኤል ተብሎ በሚጠራው ቤተክርስቲያን(መንበረ መንግሥት ቅዱስ ገብርኤል) ሊካሄድ የታሰበው ጉባኤ በአንዳንድ ምክንያቶች ተሰረዘ፡፡   ወደፊት ብዙ ምዕመናንን መያዝ አቅም ባለው አዳራሽ ጉባኤው ይዘጋጃል ተብሏል፡፡


  1. hi guys what happen ! do you afraid him ? I am waiting the day please do not cancel the programme.

  2. hi guys what happen ! do you afraid him ? I am waiting the day please do not cancel the programme.

  3. It can also be because you do not have evidence and you can not speak out publicly and may be you will continue disturbing the laity with lies. If you publicly oppose and give us evidence, all of us want salvation and we will listen to you; however, if it is simply hearsay as before since it lacks credibility, it will be hard for us to believe you. In that case, we would rather believe memhir Girma, who teaches publicly and of course his way of teaching the gospel is liked by many, net to mention the many people who are healed from different illness including blindness.

  4. ahuns letabdu menem alkerachu sew siden yemetemekegnu ene eskahun sew meslachugn dehre getsachun eketatel neber gen kazih behuala astelachugn mekegnoch

  5. bemin mikineyat

  6. kewent yehone yeigziabeher sera yaminal.
    kehaset yehone indihu yedabilosen sera yaminal.
    yemitmiku yohanis timket kewedet yetegech yihon.
    ayhudoch weys keigeziabeher.fikade man setew.

  7. በእውነት ነው የምንላቹህ ። አንገብጋቢ ሁኔታ ስለሆነ መቸም ከ1-2ወር በላይ ጊዜ የሚፈጅባቹህ አይመስለንም ምክንያቱም ትልልቅ አዳራሽ ፍለጋ 1-2ወር በላይ አይፈጅባቹህም ።ግን እንደምትሉት አስተማሪዎቻቹህ በጣም የተዘጋጁ ስለሆነ ጊዜ የሚፈጅባቹህ አይመስለኝም። ግን በእውነት እኛ ታግሰን ጊዜ ሰጥተን እንጠብቃለን ። የእናንተን እውነታ ልትገልፁልን ስለሆነ በጉጉት እንጠብቃለን እናዳምጣቹሀለን።

    እግዚአብሔር ፀጋውን አብዝቶ በእውነት ለቆሙ ለመምህር ግርማ እና አባቶቻችን እናቶቻችን ወንድሞቻችን እህቶቻችን አብዝቶ ይስጥልን አሜን!!!

  8. People who give comment supporting Memhir Girma, please pay attention and see things from the bible side not from doing miracles. Menafik can do miracle by evil spirit too. I am not on this or that side. But I will be on the side of what our fathers will say. We have to follow what our fathers(Synod) say. Let me tell you guys what happened 10 years ago at Beata Lemariam Church arat kilo. One guy starts to baptize people and so many people were screaming. Even by touching him they fail to the ground and scream. Then when the priests in the church told him to stop because he is not following the church's rule. Many memenan followed him and started to fight with priests saying that they are jealous of him doing miracles. He use to run behind people to heal them. He would call you and when he touch you, you fail, and start saying I have this and this screaming. He didn't hold meskel. He just touch people by his hand to make them scream. And he does the baptism anywhere in the church not in Matemekia room. Usually place close to Kidane Mihiret church in Baeta. Then one day, it was Beata yeametu, and he failed himself and started to scream in front of the awedemihiret. People may remember him. Since then I am very careful when these kinds of things happen. And we all have to be very careful. I am not saying he is wrong or right. But I am saying ask our fathers and follow to what they say. These fathers are here to answer our questions. Egziabher Yirdan.

    1. Have you every listened to Memhir Girma's lessons??? Why are you so focused on the miracles only?! Yes, the miracles are done by the grace of God, too. But PLEASE STOP GENERALIZING that people adore Memhir Girma because of the miracles. Ye Dingil Mariam lijock eko befireachew yitawekalu! Memhir is one of our most beloved father!!! He has been baptising for the last 28 years!!! And the last 28 years did not go without fetena and challenges like this. What makes this time different is that everyone is blogging about it. And PLEASE DO NOT COMPARE Memhir with the person you mentioned in your blog. I know you are trying to relate and make everyone aware that there might be some achberbaris out there too.... HOWEVER, be very careful not to confuse Ye Menfes Qidusin sira with the type of achberbaris mentioned in your blog. May God allow you to realize the truth!!! I for one can and will attest to the fact that my life has changed for the better because of his sermons. Memhir really cares le mengaw!!! Even for the diaspora, he teaches consistently every week and the lives of soooooooo many have changed. Wede Qidus Qurbanu yaderesun eko esachew nachew. Esti libona yisten.

  9. Tesereze? Mech teyazena?!!! Enante gudegnoch! Memhir Tsega-Menfes Qidus silalachew begehad yastemralu yifewusalu. Enante, tenkolegna debteroch, miqegna menafiqan degmo endihu dar darun endezorachihu tiqeralachihu. Tsegachewun atinetqu engidih min tihonu???!!! Ayenew semanew... Hulunim menefes meremernew. Egnam eko mastewal alen... Memhir kelay kesemay new tsegachewun yagegnut silezih 1 aydelem shih debdabe be diabilos agajinet bitarequ tsegachewun atinetquachew? Sibseba eyeterachihu betinu that's the best you could do. Shame on you Diablos and his followers!!!
