- «ኦርቶዶክስ እውነተኛ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ነበረች፤ ነገር ግን የተጫኑባት ገለባዎች አሉ፡፡ ስለዚህ ተሐድሶ ያስፈልጋታል፤ የጥንቷን ቤተ ክርስቲያን መመለስ አለብን»
- «የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ስሕተት ናት፤ ትክክል አይደለችም»
- ባለአደራዎች የሆኑ ብፁዓን አባቶቻችን ዛሬም ታላቅ ሓላፊነት አለባቸው፡፡ የተሐድሶ እንቅስቃሴ አንዱ ስልት በአባቶችና በልጆች መካከል መለያየትን መዝራት እንደሆነ ልብ ሊሉት ይገባል
- የተሐድሶ ኑፋቄው ያልተቋረጠ ጥቃት ዋነኛ ዓላማ፤ ምእመናንን ከእናት ቤተ ክርስቲያን እቅፍ በማስኰብለል የበግ ለምድ ለለበሰ ተኩላ አሳልፎ መስጠት ነው
ስለ ቤተክርስቲያን ካሰቡ ያንቡት ምስሉንም ይመልከቱና የራስዎን ሃላፊነት ብቻ ይወጡ
የተሐድሶ መናፍቃን ስውር ሴራ ክፍል 1
(ስምዐ ጽድቅ ሚያዝያ 1-15 2003 ዓ.ም) የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ያሳለፈቻቸው ዘመናት ሁሉ አልጋ በአልጋ አልነበሩም፡፡ ሐዋርያዊ ተልእኮዋን ለማሳካት ዘርፈ ብዙ መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቷን በመፈጸም ያለፈችባቸው ዘመናት በፈተናዎች የታጀቡ ናቸው፡፡ የፈተናው ዓይነትና መጠን፣ ጠባይና መገለጫው እንደየጊዜና ሁኔታው እየተፈራረቀባት፤ በቅዱሳን ሰማዕትነት፣ በሊቃውንት መምህራኗ፣ በአባቶች ካህናቷ፣ በአገልጋዮቿ ተጋድሎ ልጆቿ እየተጠብቁ በመሠረቷ ጸንታ ትገኛለች፡፡
የተሐድሶ መናፍቃን ስውር ሴራ ክፍል 2
የተሐድሶ መናፍቃን ስውር ሴራ ክፍል 3
የተሐድሶ መናፍቃን ስውር ሴራ ክፍል 4
አጽራረ ቤተ ክርስቲያን የሚያደርሱባት ጥቃት ግፊትና ተፅዕኖ አሁንም ሌላው ፈተና ነው፡፡ ከዚህ ቀደም «የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ስሕተት ናት፤ ትክክል አይደለችም» በማለት ከውጪ ሆነው ምእመናንን በማጠራጠርና ግራ በማጋባት ሲያስኰበልሉ የነበረው ጥረታቸው እንዳልተሳካ ተረዱት፡፡ ስለዚህ ቤተክርስቲያኒቷን ሙሉ በሙሉ ለማዳከምና ሐዋርያዊ ተልእኮዋም ተደናቅፎ ሕልውናዋን ለማሳጣት ለዘመናት የደከሙት ድካም ከግብ እንዳልደረሰ ሲገነዘቡት የተለየ ስልት ቀይሰው እየተንቀሳቀሱ ነው፡፡
ትምህርተ ሃይማኖቷ እምነቷና ሥርዐቷ ምሉዕ የሆነውን ቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን፤ ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ተዋሕዶ ርትዕት ሃይማኖት «እናድሳለን» በሚል ስልት ወደ ውስጧ ሠርጐ በመግባት ልጆቿን እስከ ሕንፃ ቤተክርስቲያኗ እንረከባለን ይላሉ፡፡
የበግ ለምድ የለበሱ ተኩላዎቻቸውን በማሰማራት በጎቿን በኑፋቄያቸው እያሳሳቱ ከመንጠቅ፣ በተለያዩ ርዳታዎች ስም እየደለሉ ከማስኰብለል ጀምሮ፤ ትምህርተ ሃይማኖትና ሥርዐቷን በማጣጣል፣ ቅዱሳት መጻሕፍቷን በማራከስ፣ መልካም ስምና ገጽታዋን በማጠልሸት የሚያደርጉት የጥፋት ጥረታቸው ዛሬም እንደቀጠለ ነው፡፡ በእናትነት እቅፏ ውስጥ ጡቷን ጠብተው ማዕዷን ተሳትፈው አድገው፤ ነገር ግን ንጹሕ እናትነቷን ክደው በውስጧ ሆነው በኑፋቄያቸው የሚቦረቡሯት ብዙዎች ናቸው፡፡
የተሐድሶ መናፍቃኑ እንቅስቃሴ፤ ቤተ ክርስቲያንን ለመለወጥ ወራጁ ውኃ ላይ ሳይሆን ምንጩ ላይ መሥራት ነው፤ በሚል ስልት፤ ምንጮች ናቸው የሚሉትን በመለየት ስስ ብልቶች ያሏቸውን መርጠው እየሠሩ ነው፡፡ በእነርሱ አባባል፤ የቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ወራጁ ውኃ ምእመናን ሕዝበ ክርስቲያኑ፤ ምንጮች ደግሞ፤ ሐዋርያዊ ተልእኮዋን ለማሳካት የዘርፈ ብዙ መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቶቿ መሠረቶች የሆኑት፤ ገዳማትና አድባራቷ፣ የሊቃውንቷ፣ አገልጋይ ካህናቷና መምህራነ ወንጌሏ መፍለቂያዎች የሆኑት አብነት ትምህርት ቤቶች፣ መንፈሳዊ ኰሌጆቿ፣ የካህናት ማሠልጠኛዎቿ፣ መምህራኑና ደቀመዛሙርቱ፣ በየደረጃው የሚገኘው የቤተክህነት አስተዳደር ነው፡፡ ሰንበት ት/ቤቶች፣ መንፈሳውያን ማኅበራትና ጽዋ ማኅበራት ሁሉ የዚህ ስልታቸው ማስፈጸሚያ ዒላማዎቻቸው ናቸው፡፡
በእነዚህ ምንጮች ውስጥ ኦርቶዶክሳዊ መስለው ሠርገው እየገቡ፣ ለቤተ ክርስቲያን ተቆርቋሪ ሆነው በመታየት፣ በመዋቅሯ ውስጥ ቦታ እየያዙ የተሠወረ ሤራቸውን በስልት ለማስፈጸም ጥረት እያደረጉ ነው፡፡ ቀስ በቀስ የቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያንን ሥርዐት፣ መዋቅራዊ አሠራርና መመሪያ እየጣሱ የትምህርት ጉባኤያቱን ኦርቶዶክሳዊ ላህይና ይዘታቸውን እየቀየሩ ነው፡፡ ከዚህ ቀደም በዐደባባይ ቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን «አሮጊቷ ሣራ መታደስ መለወጥ አለባት» እያሉ ሲያውኳት እንዳልቆዩና ለይቶላቸው እንዳልወጡ ሁሉ፤ አሁን ደግሞ በውስጧ ሆነው ተቆርቋሪ መስለው፤ «ኦርቶዶክስ እውነተኛ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ነበረች፤ ነገር ግን የተጫኑባት ገለባዎች አሉ፡፡ ስለዚህ ተሐድሶ ያስፈልጋታል፤ የጥንቷን ቤተ ክርስቲያን መመለስ አለብን» እያሉ በ«ምናለበት» ስብከት እየደለሉ በማታለል ለሃይማኖቱ ግድ የለሽ ምእመን ለመፍጠር ይተጋሉ፡፡
ስለ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የባሕርይ አምላክነት፣ ነገረ ማርያም፣ ነገረ ቅዱሳን፣ ጾም፣ ጸሎት፣ ስግደት... ወዘተ እንዲነሣባቸው አይፈልጉም፡፡ ስለ እነዚህ ጉዳዮች ማስተማር ለሕይወት የማይጠቅም እንደሆነ በመቀስቀስ ከምእመናን ዘንድ ማስረሳትና ሳያውቀው ለተሐድሶ ኑፋቄ ቅሰጣና የስሕተት ትምህርት ልቡን በመስጠት ተገዢ የሆነ ትውልድ መፍጠር በገሀድ የሚታይ ጥረታቸው አካል ነው፡፡
ሕዝበ ክርስቲያኑ በአባቶቹ ላይ ያለው እምነትና ተስፋ እንዲሸረሸር፣ አሠረ ክህነቱን፣ ሥርዐተ ምንኩስናን፣ የቤተክርስቲያኒቱን አስተዳደር እንዲጠላ በዚያው ተገፍቶ ጭራሹን ከቤተ ክርስቲያን እቅፍ እንዲወጣ ወይም እንዲኰበልል ለማድረግ የተለያዩ ዘዴዎችን እየተጠቀሙ ይሠራሉ፡፡
የቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያንን ትምህርተ ሃይማኖት፤ የዶግማና ሥርዐቷን ድንበር ለማጥፋት፤ መዋቅራዊ የአሠራር ሥርዐቷንና መመሪያዋን በድፍረት እስከመጣስ እየደረሱ ይታያል፡፡ እነዚህን ሁሉ የስሕተት ትምህርቶቻቸውን ለማሠራጨት፤ አድራሻና ባለቤት በሌላቸው የኅትመት ውጤቶች፤ መጻሕፍት፣ በራሪ ወረቀቶች ፣ የድምፅ ወይም የምስል ወድምፅ ካሴቶች ጭምር ይጠቀማሉ፡፡
ይህ የተሐድሶ ኑፋቄ እንቅስቃሴ ከግለሰብ ወደ ቡድን፣ ከቡድን ወደ ማኅበር ወይም ድርጅት ከዚያም ወደ ብዙ ድርጅቶች እያደገ መጥቷል፡፡ የቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያንን ሐዋርያዊ ተልእኮ ለማደናቀፍና መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቷን በማወክ ልጆቿንም ለማስኰብለል የሚደረገው ርብርብ ከፍተኛ ነው፡፡
በሕገ መንግሥታዊው ሥርዐታችን አንድ ዜጋ የፈለገውን እምነት የመከተል መብቱ የተረጋገጠ ነው፡፡ ሆኖም በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ስም እና ሽፋን በውስጧ ሆኖ እምነቷን፣ ሥርዐትና ትውፊቷን መጣስ እንዲሁም ከመመሪያዋ ውጪ መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቷን ማወክ፣ ምእመናኗን እያሳሳቱ ማስኰብለል ሕጋዊ ተግባር እንዳልሆነ ሁሉም የሚገነዘበው ጉዳይ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ የተሐድሶ ኑፋቄን ሤራ ምንነትና ሊያስከትል የሚችለውን ጥፋት በትክክል መረዳት ያስፈልጋል፡፡
በክርስቶስ ደም ተመሥርታ በእግዚአብሔር ቸርነት በቀደሙት ቅዱሳን አባቶች መንፈሳዊ ተጋድሎ እዚህ የደረሰች ቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ባለአደራዎች የሆኑ ብፁዓን አባቶቻችን ዛሬም ታላቅ ሓላፊነት አለባቸው፡፡ የተሐድሶ እንቅስቃሴ አንዱ ስልት በአባቶችና በልጆች መካከል መለያየትን መዝራት እንደሆነ ልብ ሊሉት ይገባል፡፡ በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ውስጥ ተሸሽገው መዋቅሯን ሽፋን አድርገውም ሆነ መልካም ስሟን እየተጠቀሙ ነገር ግን በስውር ተልእኮ ሤራቸውን ለማስፈጸም ቀን ከሌሊት እየተጉ ላሉት አመቺ የሆኑ ክፍተቶችን በጥንቃቄ መድፈን አለባቸው፡፡ በማናቸውም የቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ጉዳዮች የቅዱስ ሲኖዶስን መንፈሳዊ ልዕልናና ሓላፊነት ማስከበር፣ ውሳኔዎቹን ማስፈጸም፣ የቤተ ክርስቲያንን መዋቅራዊ አሠራርና መመሪያዎች ተግባራዊነት መከታተል፣ ውጤታማ ማእከላዊ አሠራርን ማስፈን ይገባል፡፡
የቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ቀኖናዋና ሕግጋቷ ተጠብቆ ዘርፈ ብዙ መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎቷ በተሳካ ሁኔታ እንዲከናወን በቁርጠኛነት መቆም አለባቸው፡፡በየደረጃው ያሉ የቤተ ክርስቲያን አባቶች ሊቃውንትና አገልጋዮች፤ ቆሞሳት፣ ቀሳውስት፣ ዲያቆናት፣ ሰባክያነ ወንጌል፣ ዘማርያን ሁሉ፤ በውጭም ሆነ በውስጥ ተደራጅቶ የቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያንን እውነተኛ ልጆች ምእመናንን ለመበተን ያለመታከት እየሠራ ያለውን የተሐድሶ ኑፋቄ እንቅስቃሴ ለመግታት ሃይማኖታዊ አደራና ሓላፊነታቸውን ለመወጣት መንቃት ይገባቸዋል፡፡ በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ላይ የተቃጣው የተሐድሶ ሤራ አይመለከተኝም ወይም አላውቀውም በሚል ተገልለን የምንቆይበት ጉዳይ አይደለም፡፡ በመንፈስ ቅዱስ ጥበብ፣ በጾም በጸሎት በመትጋት፤ ምእመናንን መጠበቅ፣ ትምህርተ ሃይማኖቷን ስብከተ ወንጌልን ጠንክሮ ማስተማር፣ ሥርዐቷን፣ ትውፊቷንና ታሪኳን ምእመናን በሚገባ እንዲረዱት ማድረግ ይጠበቅባቸዋል፡፡
የሰበካ ጉባኤያቱን እንቅስቃሴና አደረጃጀት፣ የሰንበት ት/ቤቶችን የዕለት ተዕለት አገልግሎትና ሒደት መከታተል፤ የገዳማትና አድባራቱን እንቅስቃሴ በቅርብ ማወቅ፤ የአብነት ት/ቤቶቻችንን ሁኔታ ድክመትና ጥንካሬ መገንዘብ፣ ለሚፈጠሩ ችግሮች በሚመለከታቸው የቤተክርስቲያኒቱ አካላትም ሆነ በየሐላፊነት ደረጃቸው መጠን በወቅቱ መፍትሔ መስጠት ያስፈልጋል፡፡
ሰንበት ት/ቤቶቻችንና የዓውደ ምሕረት ጉባኤያትን ማጠናከር ስብከተ ወንጌሉን ማስፋፋት ቀሳጮች ገብተው ስውር ተልእኰአቸውን ለማስፈጸም እንዳይጠቀሙበትና ጉዳት እንዳያስከትሉ በቅርብ መቆጣጠር ተገቢ ነው፡፡
የቤተክርስቲያኒቱን መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎት ለመደገፍና ለማጠናከር ሥርዐቷንና መመሪያዋን አክብረው የተቋቋሙ መንፈሳውያን ማኅበራት ለዚህ የተሐድሶ ኑፋቄ እንቅስቃሴ በማወቅም ይሁን ባለማወቅ ሰለባ እንዳይሆኑ ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄ ሊያደርጉ ይገባል፡፡ አባላቱ ለዚህ የቅሰጣ ተግባር እንዳይጋለጡ መከታተል፣ በትምህርተ ሃይማኖት የሚጠነክሩበትንና በመንፈሳዊ ሕይወት የሚያድጉበትን መንገድ ማመቻችትና ጠንክሮ መሥራት አለባቸው፡፡ ጽዋ ማኅበራትም የተሐድሶ ኑፋቄው ስውር ተልእኮ ዒላማ መሆናቸውን ተገንዝበው የትምህርት ሥርዐታቸውንና የአገልግሎት ሒደታቸውን ሁሉ፤ በቤተ ክርስቲያን ሥርዐት፣ በአባቶች ትክክለኛ ትምህርትና የቅርብ ክትትል መሠረት እንዲያከናውኑ ያስፈልጋል፡፡

ቅድስት ቤተክርስቲያናችንን ከተሐድሶ ኑፋቄ ሤራና የጥፋት ተልእኮ መጠበቅ፣ በኦርቶዶክሳዊት ተዋሕዶ ሃይማኖታችን ጸንተን መገኘት የሁላችንም ሓላፊነት ነው፡፡ በቤተ ክርስቲያንም ሆነ በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ከተጠያቂነት ለመዳን እንንቃ፡፡
እንደ እግዚሐብሔር መልካም ፍቃድ ማህበረ ቅዱሳን በተሐድሶ ዙሪያ ያዘጋጀውን ‹‹የተሐድሶ መናፍቃን ዘመቻ በኢትዮጵያ ቤተክርስትያ ላይ›› መፅሀፍ ስካን አድርገን በpdf መልክ መፅሀፉን አግኝተው ማንበብ ላልቻሉ ሰዎች ራሳቸውን ፤ ቤተሰባቸውን እና ቤተክርስትያንን ነቅተው እንዲጠብቁ ብሎጋችን ላይ post አድርገነዋል ፡፡
አዘጋጅ፡- የማህበረ ቅዱሳን ዶክመንቴሽን ክፍል
‹‹እኛ ይህን መፅሀፍ እርስዎ ጋር በማድረስ ሀላፊነታችንን ተወጥተናል እርስዎ ላላነበቡት እንዲያነቡት በማድረግ ሃላፊነትዎን ይወጡ፡፡››
አርዕስት፡-‹‹የተሐድሶ መናፍቃን ዘመቻ በኢትዮጵያ ቤተክርስትያ ላይ››
አዘጋጅ፡- የማህበረ ቅዱሳን ዶክመንቴሽን ክፍል
የታተመበት ጊዜ፡- ሚያዚያ 2003
የገፅ ብዛት:- 103
Soft Copy Size:- 20 MB
ዋጋ:- 15 ብር
‹‹እኛ ይህን መፅሀፍ እርስዎ ጋር በማድረስ ሀላፊነታችንን ተወጥተናል እርስዎ ላላነበቡት እንዲያነቡት በማድረግ ሃላፊነትዎን ይወጡ፡፡››
ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር
‹‹ሀሰት አንናገር እውነትን አንደብቅም››
‹‹እግዚአብሔር ቤተክርስቲያንን ይጠብቅ፡፡››
ስለ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ካሰቡ ያንቡት እና የራስዎን ሃላፊነት ብቻ ይወጡ
ReplyDeleteEshi halafinetachinin enwetalen.Binchil betselot banchin Bemesariyam bihon betekirstianin Entebikalen
ReplyDeleteበጣም አስተማሪ እንዲሁም ወቅታዊ የቤተክርስቲያንን ችግሮች በግልጽ የሚያሳይ መልእክት! ወንጌልን ለመጠበቅ ቤተ ክርስቲንንም ለማጽናት ያስችለን ዘንድ የእመቤታችን አማላጅነት የቅዱሳን ተራዳኢነት እንዲሁም የመድሃኒአለም ጥበቃ ከሁላችን ጋር ይሁን!!!! አሜን!
ReplyDeleteHum, Religion is not the way to the kingdom, it is believing in Jesus Christ the son of God.
ReplyDeletePlease he is humanbeing discuss with him and correct him if the thing is true.His sibket is very nice, we haven't to loose him. I recommend the following for the responsible persons:
ReplyDelete-First off all be sure about the truthness of the information. If so, discuss with him about that and correct him. I hope he will come back.
የእመቤታችን አማላጅነት የቅዱሳን ተራዳኢነት እንዲሁም የመድሃኒአለም ጥበቃ ከሁላችን ጋር ይሁን!!!! አሜን!
emenetachenen lemetebek kemengezawem belay menesat yaleben weket ahun new egezer yeredan
ReplyDeleteHey! Dear Ethiopians weak up! It is time to search for the truth. time for fairytale is over. Stick to what the Bible says! God is working among the Ethiopia Orthodox Church! This pleases me! The church needs reformation. It was built on truth, but through different false teachers introduced false teachings. Now is the time of change, Now is the time of reformation. Whatever the campaign you do against the work of God you can't stop it! God is Working and he can't be stopped. God is working among you please wake up.
ReplyDeleteI have seen some comments like"Eshi halafinetachinin enwetalen.Binchil betselot banchin Bemesariyam bihon betekirstianin Entebikalen " Do you see how awkward it is! It is zeal or what, I think this is not what Christians should do! Actually the truth has suffered a lot in Ethiopia!! Ethiopia has a History of despising the truth!!!
Please go and read your Bible! It will tell you the whole truth! God Bless you! God bless Ethiopia Orthodox Church! God bless Ethiopia! Ethiopia Will raise her hands to God!!
you tehadeso shut up. God will pay you for what you said and I lost my patience in this regard. Please God mother Virgin Mary be with us and I am ready to do anything to defend my religion.
DeleteI don't see anything wrong on what they are saying.
ReplyDeleteBecause you are one of them!
DeleteYih telik fetena silehone,ebakachiw tegten entseliy
ReplyDeletethis got to stop!
ReplyDelete...why such a chaos on our beloved church only? there are many reason for that the core pints might be 1. politics 2. position (to get title) 3. profit (personal benefit) 4. power (just to show one's ability to impose others) 5. running for family business (hire/employe family/friend...this is due to fear not to lose power) 6. existence of anarchists (lucks public green light) 7. because the church has high income (that might led to scramble this income and leads to power struggle ).....so tired to state all ....on the other hand churches of country side needs great help...but my people here in Addis runs for their own benefit...it's seems rush hour to get something.
ReplyDeleteI'm dis-interest on both sides ideas....that creates confusion to people.
Emebrehan Aderashen! (Teshale)
Wolete Eyesus.
ReplyDeleteAmlake hoy leEthiopia Hagerachen andihum leorthodox haymanotachen ena lehezebe christanu bemulu ante bemitawkew yemibegenen hulu adiregeh tebiken. Amen.
እነዚህ ተሃድሶ ነን ባዮች የሚሰሩት በእጅጉ አሳፋሪ ነው:: እምነት አንዲት ናት:: አትለወጥም፡አትቀየርም:: ትናንትና ሰዎች ተሰብስበው በሴራ የመሰረቱአት አይደለችም:: ክርስቶስ በደሙ የመሰረታት እንጂ:: አሁን ቤተ ክርስቲያኗ ያለባት የአስተዳደር ችግር እንጂ የዶግማ አይደለም:: ይህንን እንደ ጥሩ አጋጣሚ አድርገው ሰዎችን የማታለል ስራ ሰይጣናዊ ነው:: የቅዱሳን አማላጅነት አይለየን!
ReplyDeleteDingel Maryame bemeljashe tebeken
ReplyDeleteI think we all need Biblical based church.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think that this is the right way for Orthodox Church. The church leaders and ministers should stop insulting other individuals and churches. And the church should ask herself “why the people flow to other (protestant) churches???” As we know most of the member of protestant churches are came from Orthodox Church. Even I myself was grow up and baptized in Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
ReplyDeleteAgain I would like to repeat that the church should ask her why these things happen?? Why my people flow from me???
And the Orthodox Church should revise her teaching whether it is according to the biblical teaching or not!! As my beliefs and others beliefs the teaching of Orthodox Church should be restore according to biblical teaching!! From Genesis to Revelation it is all about Jesus not about saints and Angeles. But when we come to the Orthodox Church teaching it is full of about saints and angels. But when we come to bible all saints and Angels they talk about Jesus and my Question is why Orthodox Church still keep talking about saints and Angeles.
People want to know the truth and the truth will make us free. The church should start speak and teach the truth!! Yes, the Orthodox Church should start to speak the truth about Gospel. The Gospel is all about Jesus the son of God. He is the truth and the only way to heaven (John 14:6) NO need of others............!
ኢየሱስም፦ እኔ መንገድና እውነት ሕይወትም ነኝ፤ በእኔ በቀር ወደ አብ የሚመጣ የለም። ( ዮሐንስ ወ. 14፡6 )
Orthodox church is like Galatians church in the bible (new testament). The Galatians church had the same problem like Orthodox Church. They mix the truth with heresies; they were totally diverted from the Gospel of Jesus. We can see that Apostle Paul trying to back them to the truth by his letter. When we read Paul’s letter to Galatia we will notice that he was upset. He’s outraged. He had preached the Good news about Jesus all over Galatia with good results. He had won converts and established churches. But in his absence, some Jewish leaders had began to preach their own version of the Good news, requiring Christians to obey certain laws in order to full fill their salvation. This is totally was wrong we Christians saved by faith (IN Jesus) not by following rules. (Galatia 2:16)
“ነገር ግን ሰው በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በማመን እንዲጸድቅ እንጂ በሕግ ሥራ እንዳይሆን አውቀን፥ ሥጋን የለበሰ ሁሉ በሕግ ሥራ ስለማይጸድቅ፥ እኛ ራሳችን በሕግ ሥራ ሳይሆን በክርስቶስ እምነት እንጸድቅ ዘንድ በክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ አምነናል።” ( ገላትያ 2፡16 )
Ethiopian Orthodox church mixed the truth with Heresies like Galatians church. so my conclusion is stop condemning others let us come to the truth , let us speak about the truth , let us teach about the truth . The truth will make us free. The Truth is Jesus the son of God.
The bible says that John 3:16 “ Anyone who believe in Jesus the son of God will be saved, and will have an eternal life and also who believe in him will be the child of God.” No need of mediator and intercession. God wants us to have a relationship with him through his son Jesus. As I Saied before the bible Saied that He is the only way to Father and Heaven, no need of any human being as a mediator, and no need of any saints and Angels as intercessional. አንድ እግዚአብሔር አለና፥ በእግዚአብሔርና በሰውም መካከል ያለው መካከለኛው ደግሞ አንድ አለ፥ እርሱም ሰው የሆነ ክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ ነው፤ (1ኛ ጢሞቲዎስ 2፡5 )
At the moment when we believe in Jesus we will become the children of God and God will be our Father.
The Orthodox church’s fathers, teachers, and different ministers I would like to ask you and courage you with great respect:- start to talk about our redeemer who is Jesus. The bible is all about Jesus. This is the Truth. This is why Jesus died for us.
My message for Orthodox church ministers, start only to talk about Jesus who is our redeemer, our savior , our mediator , our king , and Lord of Lords. Avoid every fictional and human made bad teaching from your curriculum. Unless you start to doing this the people never stop to flow in to other churches.
Stop condemning others!!
For more than 2000 years our church has been teaching about Jesus. We all know that Jesus is our God and how come you tell our church to preach about Jesus. It is you who denied the power of Jesus but claim to know him.
DeleteYou said you were Orthodox christian but have you ever known what our church teaches about Jesus.I don't think so because when we talk about trinity Jesus is in it and if we say God it means Jesus and the whole world knows that we Ethiopians are the people of God means the people of Jesus.
The problem is that you do not see Jesus as God so you say that Orthodox never preached about Jesus. End of story.
እኔ እናንትነ ማመን በጣም እያቃተኝ ነው የማትነክሱት ጠፋ ደግሞ ወደ መምህር ግርማ ሄዳችሁ ምነው ስታወሩ ስለ ገንዘብ ስለትቅም ነው ለሐይማኖት አይመስልም ማንም ጠምጥሞ ሊታ ይችላል ይህ ደግሞ የእናንት ሴራ ነው እስቲ እንያቸው ሰዎቹን አንድ ቀን እንኩአን በኦርቶዶክስ ውስጥ የነበሩ አይመስሉም ከመጠምጠም ውጭ ሁሉም ከገበያ የሚገዛ ነው ከእውቀት በስተቀር እወቀቱም ከዚህ ነው አንባቢ ዝምብለህ አትነዳ በሴረኛ ቆም ብለህ መርምር አወቀች አወቀች ቢሏት ሆናችሁ አለማዊ ትምህርታችሁን አጠናክሩ ቤተክርሲቲኑን ለባለቤቶቹ ተውላቸው፡
ReplyDeleteእግዚያብሄር ኢትዮጵያን ይባርክ!!!!
end of the worled i think this is the final desetination of creation we need to get the soul food the body and blood of gesus crist before we losse all spritual father's.
ReplyDeleteI saw nothing wrong in the attached video. I hope any individual watching this video will find out the truth. The messages in the video was all about JESUS CHRIST! what is wrong with that? I don't see any reason for a true Christian to freak about this!
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong on behalf Protestant preaching. They teach their lessons how they teach in their church. The wrong thing is they are trying to steal people from Orthodox Tewahido Church and they are working to change Orthodox to protestant.
DeleteProtestantism believe Jesus Christ as a private savior. This is because the origin of protestantism is the western society individualistic society. However, we Ethiopian are collectivism so we say 'Getachin medhanitachin Eyesus Christos."
We have to work our best to protect our church.
Christianity is not about hip hop. You can't invent religion fools! If you feel that you are right, keep it for yourself.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone has ever questioned the Orthodox Church teachings, I question their state of mind. The Church's teachings are all about the bible. It has always been and it always will be. But the church has other holy books that are consistent with the teachings in the bible. Those of you who cant see that you are in a complete illusion and never try to misguide others. Leave the church alone!
Josi-you need to understand why people move away from the Orthodox Church. it's because confused people like you come in disguise and confuse others. Why do you and your likes do such an evil thing and think you are Christians? Conspiring on others' religion is not what Christ taught!
Am not in either side of the story, cause i even don't know how reliable this source is and/or how genuine the writer is... Unfortunately i don't why we tend to exaggurate some stuffs whether in the church or out side. What does ' Zemecha' means ? is it really at that level what the so called ' restoration people' are doing ? or is it an insight from God or just an emotional drive to destroy people who believe against you ?... as a matter of fact i think you better know that such people always exist since the beginning of church history...there are 'change seekers' whether for better or for worse...If your church is the true one no one will destroy her...no one can destroy what God had built..never and ever though temptations are inevitable... i prefer to see the Ethiopian churches to empower the followers with words of knowledge and wisdom rather than seeding terror and hatred against those who believe differently ...isn't it shameful to call your brother ' menafik' cause he is not believing what u believe? where r we Ethiopians going to ?...please lets teach love and prayer that is what Christianity preaches...if Christians fight i think they fight with love not with hatred and wild religious emotions!
ReplyDeleteyes of course this is true. everybody must accept the truth that jesus christ is lord. they dont push no one rather breaching the truth and way of heaven.this is time to change. jesus love u all
engdih tinbitu yefestem zend yehe new ebakachehu let them back and guide them please its realy shaim what was i seen it and i heard it ohh God ebakehen fetehen meleseln lets pray for such kind of misrable part of our orthodax church
ReplyDelete2000 amet mulu waga yetekefelebaten betekeresetiyanema endezi atezebetubatem betselotachen bedemachen entebekatalen. menfesen hulu atemenu meremeru tebelo tesefwal elayachew laye yalew menfese rasu ye diyabilos mehonu yasetawekale ene yemigermegn ye astemariw sayehon komewe ejachewen zeregetew yemisemute meskinoch nachew selezi tselote yasefelegachwale tsebeleme ezaw bekomubet merchet yasefelegachwale keza adarashe egziyabhere wede betu endimelesachew egzer yeredachew
ReplyDeleteke ene Tezetwa Samueal Temaru medebedebem ale
ReplyDeleteእነኚ እዚህ ቪድዮ ውስጥ ያየናቸው ሃይማኖት ፈላጊዎች ወይስ ብር ፈላጊዎች? እግዚኣብሄር ምህረቱን ይላክልን
ReplyDeletebetam yasazenal yaselekesal ewnetegnayetua andit hayemanot yetebalelat kerestos bedemu yewajat endehon mechym atetefam enetseleyalen
ReplyDeleteየኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ኃይማኖት የምትሰብከው ስለመላዕክት አማላጅነትና ተራዳኢነት፣ ስለ ሴጣን ተንኮልና ክፋት ብቻ አይደለም ዋንኛው ስብከትማ የዓለም መድኃኒት የሆነውን የድንግልን ልጅ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን ነው፡፡ ሌሎች የድንግል ስም ሲነሣ እሳቱ ቢያቃጥላቸውም ኦርቶዶክስ ስለ ድንግል አማላጅነት መስበኳን አትተውም፡፡ ሌሎች የመላዕክት፣ የጻድቃን ሰማዕታት ስም ሲነሣ እሳቱ ቢያነዳቸውም ስለመላዕክት፣ ስለጻድቃን ሰማዕታት አማላጅነትና ተራዳኢነት መስበኳን አታቋርጥም፡፡ እኛም እናምናለን በአማላጅነታቸውና በተራዳኢነታቸው እኛን ኦርቶዶክሶችን ወደ አምላካችንና መድኃኒታችን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ዘንድ እንደሚያቀርቡን እንደሚያማልዱን እኛ ኦርቶዶክሶች ግማሽ እምነት አይደለም የያዝነው ሙሉ እንጂ ይህንን የተቀደሰ ኃይማኖት ለመበረዝ ግን በአሁኑ ወቅት ዲያቢሎስ ተነስቷል ግን አይሆንለትም ድንግል እያለች፡፡ ለሁላችንም የድንግል አማላጅነት አይለየን፡፡
ReplyDeleteጆሲ አንተ አታስተምራትም ለኦርቶዶክስ ኢየሱስን፡፡ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ጌታችን መድኃኒታችንን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን የምታውቀው ከኘሮቴስታንት በፊት መሆኑን ልብ ልትል ይገባል፡፡
ReplyDeleteጆሲ አንተ አታስተምራትም ለኦርቶዶክስ ኢየሱስን፡፡ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ጌታችን መድኃኒታችንን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን የምታውቀው ከኘሮቴስታንት በፊት መሆኑን ልብ ልትል ይገባል፡፡
ReplyDeleteጆሲ አንተ አታስተምራትም ለኦርቶዶክስ ኢየሱስን፡፡ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ጌታችን መድኃኒታችንን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን የምታውቀው ከኘሮቴስታንት በፊት መሆኑን ልብ ልትል ይገባል፡፡
ReplyDeleteሲደበድቡ ከእንግዲህ እስር ቤት ክፍት ነው
ReplyDeleteሄለን እግዚአብሔር ይባርክሽ
ReplyDeletePlease preach Gospel to reach those without Jesus.
ReplyDeleteyou just complain complain ... and call names
ReplyDeletewhat ever they do challenge them with
knowledge.U are attacking individuals.
this will not serve the church.
Grow up,
If u r volter read the bible and ask the meaning before translte by your own! It will tell you the whole truth! God bless Ethiopia Orthodox Church! God bless Ethiopia! Ethiopia Will raise her hands to God!!
ReplyDeleteይህንን ፁሁፍ ሳነብ የሃዋሪያት ስራ ምዕራፍ 24 ቁጥር 5 ላይ አይሁድ ጳዉሎስን ...ይህ ሰው በሽታ ሆኖ በዓለም ባሉት አይሁድ ሁሉ ሁከት ሲያስነሣ፥ የመናፍቃን የናዝራውያን ወገን መሪ ሆኖ አግኝተነዋልና ....ያሉት ትዝ አለኝ፡: በቁጥር 14 ላይ ጳዉሎስ መልሶ ....ነገር ግን ይህን እመሰክርልሃለሁ፤ በሕጉ ያለውን በነቢያትም የተጻፉትን ሁሉ አምኜ የአባቶቼን አምላክ እነርሱ ኑፋቄ ብለው እንደሚጠሩት መንገድ አመልካለሁ....አለ፡፡
ReplyDeleteየሃዋሪያት ስራ ምዕራፍ 5 ቁጥር 28
....ሊቀ ካህናቱም። በዚህ ስም እንዳታስተምሩ አጥብቀን አላዘዝናችሁምን? እነሆም፥ ኢየሩሳሌምን በትምህርታችሁ ሞልታችኋል፤ የዚያንም ሰው ደም በእኛ ታመጡብን ዘንድ ታስባላችሁ ብሎ ጠየቃቸው።
ቁጥር 29
ጴጥሮስና ሐዋርያትም መልሰው አሉ። ከሰው ይልቅ ለእግዚአብሔር ልንታዘዝ ይገባል...
ቁጥር 33
እነርሱም ሲሰሙ በጣም ተቈጡ ሊገድሉአቸውም አሰቡ።
ቁጥር 33
ነገር ግን በሕዝብ ሁሉ ዘንድ የከበረ የሕግ መምህር ገማልያል የሚሉት አንድ ፈሪሳዊ በሸንጎ ተነሥቶ ሐዋርያትን ጥቂት ፈቀቅ እንዲያደርጉአቸው አዘዘ፥
35 እንዲህም አላቸው፦ የእስራኤል ሰዎች ሆይ፥ ስለ እነዚህ ሰዎች ምን እንደምታደርጉ ለራሳችሁ ተጠንቀቁ።
36 ከዚህ ወራት አስቀድሞ ቴዎዳስ። እኔ ታላቅ ነኝ ብሎ ተነሥቶ ነበርና፥ አራት መቶ የሚያህሉ ሰዎችም ከእርሱ ጋር ተባበሩ፤ እርሱም ጠፋ የሰሙትም ሁሉ ተበተኑ እንደ ምናምንም ሆኑ።
37 ከዚህ በኋላ ሰዎች በተጻፉበት ዘመን የገሊላው ይሁዳ ተነሣ ብዙ ሰዎችንም አሸፍቶ አስከተለ፤ እርሱም ጠፋ የሰሙትም ሁሉ ተበታተኑ።
38 አሁንም እላችኋለሁ። ከእነዚህ ሰዎች ተለዩ ተዉአቸውም፤ ይህ አሳብ ወይም ይህ ሥራ ከሰው እንደ ሆነ ይጠፋልና፤
39 ከእግዚአብሔር እንደ ሆነ ግን ታጠፉአቸው ዘንድ አይቻላችሁም፥ በእርግጥ ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር ስትጣሉ ምናልባት እንዳትገኙ።
please read verse 39 over and over.
Jossi...U don't want to read the bible U just read collection of quotations that Penti's have given U. the bible said kesera yeteleye emenet yemote new.....in addition.....enamenalen yelalu beserachew gen yekeduwachewal... all the bible said about Sira....yamene beseraw yegeletal...mamenema aganenetem yamenalu ayelem? emenet yalesera yaganenet new...take a bible and read it don't be collection of quotes that whites are playing with U.....
ReplyDeleteWoi gude, enante anbabiwoch endet newe negeru, gude aflachehu eko! manbeb betam tiru newe, Jossi, yemataneb kehone anbeb!.....gin selemanbeb mechem bianse kenante mesematachen tiru newe. endihu keketele alem hulu dane malet lihon newe...kalu baylim!!Anbebu gine meretu....Jossi anbebe melkamunem mertehal.....yehe "Mary go Round" and "arsema" menamen bezu aytekmachehum...endewem aytekmachehum...befetsum aytekmachehum. Teret teret yemeseret aynet neger!!
Anchi degmo, menew.....Geta eko le alem hulu mote.....be ande.....lemanem kedemo almotem.....gera legebachehu lenantem, kedmo letemeretew ena le tewededew le Jossi ande mote
Woi manbeb........
ሆዳሞች! ክብራቸውን በሆዳቸው፣ በነውራቸው የቀየሩ! … ድሮስ ከነዚህ አይነት ሰዎች ምን ይጠበቃል!
ReplyDeleteአይ አንቺ ኦርቶዶክስ መከራሽ ብዛቱ፦ ካቶሊኩ፤ሙስሊሙ፤ ኢቫንጀሊኩ፤ ሉትራኑ፤ ነን ዲኖሚኖሽኑ ፤ ፕሮቴስታንቱ ፤ ኦርቶ_ጴንጤው ፤ ጆቫው ፤ተሀድሶው፤ እምነተ የሌለው; ኅረ ስንቱን ጠቅሰን እንችላለን። ክርስቶስ በመስቀል ላይ የመሰረተውን በመንግስቱ እስኪመጣ ይጠብቃት!!
ReplyDeleteለኦርቶዶክስ ወገኖቼ
መጀመርያ ማንን እንደምናመልክ ማወቅ አለብን። እኛ ኦርቶዶክሶች የምናመልከው ሰማይና ምድርን በቃሉ የዘረጋውን እኛን ለማዳን ከሰው አእምሮ በላይ በሆነ ጥበብ ከድንግል ማርያም የተወለደውን ስለኛ በፍቃዱ በመስቀለ ላይ የሞተልንን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን ነው። እግዚአብሄር ኢትዮጵያን በጣም ከመውደዱ የተነሳ ሙስሊምና ጣዎት አምላኪ በበዛበት አህጉር ኦርቶዶክስን ሰጠን። እኛ ኢትዮጵያዎች ግን ኦርቶዶክ ሀይማኖትን በቀላሉ ከቤተሰብ ስለወረስን እና በዘልምድ ያለ አላማ ቤተ እግዚአብሄር ስለምንመላለስ ፍቅሩ እና ትርጉሙ አልገባንም።እግዚአብሄርን ለማምለክ እና ጌታችን መድሀኒታችን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን የእግዚአብሄር አንድያ ልጁ መሆኑን ለማመን ዶክትሬት አልያም ፒ ኤች ዲ አያስፈልግም ለቅዱሳን እና ለጻድቃን አምላክ በምናደርገው ስርዓተ አምልኮ፦ ትንሽ እንግሊዘኛ የቆጠረ ሰው እንደ ዋላ ቀር ሲቆጥረን ኮምፒውተር ኦን እና ኦፍ ማድረግ የጀመረ ሰው ደግሞ እንደ ሞኝ ሲያየን ይኅው ለዚህ ደርሰናል።
የዘንድሮው ግን ለየት ይላል ፡ እንደ ኦርቶዶክስ እየበሉና እየጠጡ እየለበሱና እየዘመሩ የቀድሞ አባቶችን ትምህርት እየተቹ ያመነውን ግራ እንዲጋባ አዲስ መጤውን ደግሞ በንደዚህ አይነት ትምህርት ሊገነቡት። የበፊቶቹ የምን ከበሮ፤ የምን ጽናጽል ፤ ማማተብ ፤ የምን ስዕል፤ ጠበል ፤ መስቀል ፤ ጋዎን መልበስ ፤ ራስ መጠምጠም ፤ ጸጉር መሸፈን፤ የጸጋ ስግደት ፤ ክርስቶስ አማላጅ ነው የመሳሰሉትን በማለት ነበር ተመሳሳይነትም አልነበረንም ። የአሁኖቹ ግን ሶስትና ከዛ በላይ የመጽሀፍ ቅዱስ ጥቅስ ያወቀ ሀይማኖት መመስረት ይችላል እንደተባለ ሰው ሁሉም የየራሱ መመርያ አለው። ብዙዎቹም ከኦርቶዶክስ እና እንደ ኦርቶዶክስ ነው ግን ኦርቶዶክስ አይደለም ጸረ ኦርቶዶክስ እንጂ ። እኛ ስርዓተ ኦርቶዶክስን ካላወቅን አንለያቸውም ስለዚህ እንንቃ !
መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎት /ክርስትና ሕይወት/ የጦር ሜዳ እንጂ የምቾት አዳራሽ አይደለም። በጉዟችን ልዩ ልዩ ፈተና ሊገጥመን ይችላል። ለፈተናው ሳንንበረከክ ይልቁንም በእምነታችን የሚመጣብንን ፈተና እንደሙሉ ደስታ በመቁጠር ልንጠነክር ይገባናል። ያዕ. ፩፥፪። በሃይማኖት ስንኖር ውጊያው ከደምና ከሥጋ ጋር ባለመሆኑ በመከራ በመታገስ ጸንተን ልንቆም ጠላታችን ሰይጣንን ልናሳፍር ግድ ይለናል። ኤፌ. ፮፥፲፪፤ ሮሜ. ፲፪፥፲፪።
አምላካችን ስለ ቅዱሳን መላእክት ፤ ስለ ጻድቃን ሰማዕታት ፤ ስለ እመቤታችን ስለ ቅድስት እናቱ ማርያም እንዲሁም ስለ ስሙ ብሎ ሀይማኖታችንን ይጠብቅልን አሜን !!!!
አቤቱ ይቅር በለን ነገስ ምንታሰማን ይሆን ፍፃሜያችንስ ምን ይሆን!!!
ReplyDeleteአቤቱ ይቅር በለን ነገስ ምንታሰማን ይሆን ፍፃሜያችንስ ምን ይሆን
ReplyDeletethadiso ahunm yelm qiniberu drama new!
ReplyDeletehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pdCOL9p4bg&feature=related ስለ ኢትዮጵያ የተነገረ ትንቢት
ReplyDelete“ናጽምእ እንከ ነገረ መለኮት ከመ እይባእ ባዕድ ውስተ አልባቢና” /ሃይማኖተ አባው/
ReplyDeleteእንደ ባለቤቱ እንደ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የሚሰደዱለትና የሚሞቱለት አንገትንም ለሰይፍ ስለት የሚሰጡለት እምነት አለ፡፡ የሚያሳድዱለትና የሚገድሉለት ለፈጣሪያቸውም ብለው የሰው አንገት የሚቆርጡለት ሀይማኖትም አለ፡፡ ማንም ምንም ቢሆን የማይገዳቸውና ምንም ቢፈጠር ከተፈጠረው ነገር ጋር አብረው ተስማምተው የሚኖሩለትም ሀይማኖት አለ፡፡ ስልጣንን ጥቅምንና ክብርን አስጠብቀው የሚኖሩበትና ለዚህም ብለው ኃይላቸውን አጠናክረው የሚኖሩለትም እምነት አለ፡፡ ብቻ ይጠቅመኛል ብለው ከያዙት ያም እምነት ሆኖ ያገለግላል፡፡ ወደውና ለምደው ራሳቸውን ብቻ ሊያኖሩ የሚጠነቀቁለትም እምነት አለ፡፡ ከአንድ በላይ የሆነ ፈጣሪም ይዘው በአማልክት ተከበውና ተጠብቀው እንደሚኖሩ የሚመስላቸው ባለ ብዙ አማልክትም አሉ፡፡ ሀይማኖትን በትምህርትና በእውቀት ሳይሆን በውርስም ይዘው የሚንገታገቱና ያንንም በግድ እውነት አድርገው በመጽሀፍ ቅዱስ ጥቅስ እያስደገፉ የሚሞግቱና እውነትን የሚያሳብሉ አሉ፡፡ “ሃይማኖትህን እንዳትለውጥ አደራ” ተብለው ከሟች ዘመዶቻቸው የተረከቡትን ሃይማኖት ሳይፈትሹና በቃለእግዚአብሔር ሳይመረምሩ ባለአደራዎች ሆነው የሚኖሩና በዚያም የሚሞቱ ብዙዎች አሉ፡፡
የክርስቶስ ትምህርት ግን እንደዚህ አይደለም፡፡ ከላይ ከተመለከትናቸው አንዱንም ከቶ አይመስልም፡፡ ኢየሱስን እያንዳንዱ ሰው ሊያውቀውና ሊቀበለው በእርሱ ሊኖርና እርሱን በህይወቱ ሊመስለው ግድ ነው፡፡ የክርስትና ሃይማኖት በዘር የሚወረስ ሳይሆን ወደውና ፈቅደው በግል ምርጫ የሚቀበሉት ሆኖ ከፈለጉትም ሊጥሉት የሚችሉት በራስ ፍላጎት ላይ የተመሠረተ ነጻነት ያለው እውነት ነው፡፡ ይህ የሰው የዘላለም እጣ ፈንታው ሞቱ ወይም ህይወቱ የሚወሰንበት ነውና፡፡
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These are fundamentally short phrase loans that do present you meet your fiscal troubles within a desired
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Many people basically demand filling an on the web form
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within 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly offered beneath convenient terms and situations.
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resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief phrase loans that do present you meet your fiscal troubles within a preferred distinct time period.
ReplyDeleteThinking of time limitations these loans are especially created above an obligation absolutely
free platform. As such, these are kept completely free from credential checksums.
Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy,
CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as here. Further, there are also no collaterals connected with
these loans. There is minimal paper function needed on
the aspect of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing essential right here.
Applying for these loans is also quite handy. Individuals merely call for filling an internet form and as soon as this gets authorized money is received within
24 hours time frame. These loans are in general offered beneath hassle-free terms and conditions.
The common basic applicant criteria here is that
they will need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically short term loans that do offer you meet your fiscal matters
ReplyDeleteinside a preferred certain time period. Considering time limitations these loans are specifically
developed above an obligation no cost platform.
As such, these are kept completely cost-free from credential checksums.
Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed right here.
Further, there are also no collaterals connected with these loans.
There is minimal paper work essential on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing needed here.
Applying for these loans is also really hassle-free.
Consumers just require filling an on the net form and
when this gets authorized money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general offered under convenient terms and situations.
The basic simple applicant criteria here is that they will need to be a UK resident
and of 18 years of age.
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These are essentially brief phrase loans that do present you
ReplyDeletemeet your fiscal problems inside a preferred precise time
period. Considering time limitations these loans are particularly developed above an obligation zero cost
platform. As such, these are kept completely totally free from credential checksums.
Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs
and even IVAs are not regarded as right here. Further, there are
also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper
work expected on the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing necessary
right here. Applying for these loans is also highly practical.
Folks basically need filling an on the internet type and when this gets authorized cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are often provided beneath practical terms and situations.
The basic fundamental applicant criteria here is that they ought to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically short phrase loans that do offer you meet your fiscal issues inside a preferred particular time period.
ReplyDeleteThinking about time limitations these loans are particularly
intended above an obligation totally free platform.
As such, these are kept totally 100 % free from credential checksums. Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper work needed on the component of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing required here. Applying for these loans is also exceptionally convenient. Consumers simply need filling an on line form and as soon as this gets authorized money is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly supplied under convenient terms and circumstances. The general standard applicant criteria here is that they need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief phrase loans that do offer you meet
ReplyDeleteyour fiscal issues inside a preferred precise time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are specifically
intended above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept absolutely free from credential checksums.
Troubles such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not
thought to be here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper work necessary on the element of
borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing essential here.
Applying for these loans is also very convenient.
Individuals only need filling an over the internet form and once this gets authorized money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general supplied under handy terms and circumstances.
The common basic applicant criteria right here is that they really should be a UK
resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally short phrase loans that do give you meet your fiscal difficulties inside a preferred precise time period.
ReplyDeleteThinking about time limitations these loans are specifically created above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept entirely absolutely free from credential checksums.
Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed right here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals linked with these loans.
There is minimal paper function needed on the part of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing essential
here. Applying for these loans is also especially convenient.
Men and women basically need filling an web based
form and once this gets authorized cash is received inside 24 hours time
frame. These loans are generally supplied under convenient terms and circumstances.
The general standard applicant criteria right here is that they need to be
a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief term loans that do supply you meet your fiscal problems inside a desired particular time
ReplyDeleteperiod. Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are specifically made
above an obligation free platform. As such, these are kept completely cost-free from credential checksums.
Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not
thought to be right here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate needed on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing required right
here. Applying for these loans is also highly convenient.
Individuals merely call for filling an web
based type and when this gets approved cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are usually supplied under practical terms and
situations. The general fundamental applicant criteria right here is that they must
be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally short term loans that do produce you meet
ReplyDeleteyour fiscal troubles within a desired specific time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are particularly made above an
obligation free platform. As such, these are kept absolutely 100 % free from credential checksums. Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to be right here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper perform expected on the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing needed right here. Applying for these loans is also highly practical. Many people simply need filling an on-line form and as soon as this gets approved money is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are typically provided under handy terms and situations. The common standard applicant criteria here is that they should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally short phrase loans that do provide you meet your fiscal concerns
ReplyDeleteinside a preferred certain time period. Contemplating time
limitations these loans are specifically developed above an obligation no cost platform.
As such, these are kept completely 100 % free from credential checksums. Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to be here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper perform essential on the element of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing required here. Applying for these loans is also incredibly convenient. Men and women simply require filling an on the web type and once this gets authorized money is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly offered beneath practical terms and conditions. The basic fundamental applicant criteria right here is that they need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are basically brief term loans that do offer you meet your fiscal challenges within a preferred distinct
ReplyDeletetime period. Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly intended above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept absolutely absolutely free from credential checksums.
Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even
IVAs are not viewed as right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper perform necessary on the component of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing required right
here. Applying for these loans is also especially hassle-free.
Individuals just need filling an on the web form and when this
gets authorized cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are generally supplied beneath convenient terms and circumstances.
The common standard applicant criteria here is that they will need to be a UK resident and
of 18 years of age.
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These are generally brief phrase loans that do provide you meet your fiscal matters within a preferred distinct time period.
ReplyDeleteContemplating time limitations these loans are especially intended above an obligation totally free platform.
As such, these are kept totally 100 % free from credential checksums. Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed here. Additional, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans. There is minimal paper work necessary on the component of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing expected right here. Applying for these loans is also highly practical. Persons merely call for filling an internet form and as soon as this gets authorized money is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are usually supplied below handy terms and situations. The basic simple applicant criteria right here is that they ought to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are essentially brief phrase loans that do give you meet your fiscal difficulties within a preferred
ReplyDeletespecific time period. Thinking about time limitations
these loans are particularly created above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept entirely zero cost from credential checksums.
Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as here.
Further, there are also no collaterals connected
with these loans. There is minimal paper perform needed
on the element of borrower. There are also no hidden or
further documentation or faxing required here.
Applying for these loans is also extremely practical.
People just call for filling an online type and when this gets approved cash is received within 24 hours time
frame. These loans are typically offered below hassle-free terms and conditions.
The basic simple applicant criteria right here is that they should
certainly be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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These are fundamentally brief phrase loans that do present
ReplyDeleteyou meet your fiscal difficulties within a desired certain time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are especially created above an
obligation free of charge platform. As such, these are kept absolutely zero cost from credential checksums.
Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even
IVAs are not regarded right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals linked with these loans.
There is minimal paper function essential on the part
of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing essential here.
Applying for these loans is also really handy.
Many people basically need filling an on the net form
and as soon as this gets approved cash is received inside 24 hours time
frame. These loans are generally offered beneath handy terms and circumstances.
The basic fundamental applicant criteria right here is that they should be
a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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