የአቡነ ሺኖዳ ገፅ

ህ ገፅ ብፁዕ ወቅዱስ አቡነ ሺኖዳ ሣልሳዊ በህይወት ሳሉ የጻፏቸው ከ100 በላይ መፅሀፎችን ፤ የታተሙና ያልታተሙ ፅሁፎችን የምናወጣበትና በተጨማሪ እርሳቸውን የምንዘክርበት ገፅ ነው፡፡

  ‹‹የዘላለም ሕይወት እንዳላችሁ ታውቁ ዘንድ በእግዚአብሔር ልጅ ስም ለምታምኑ ይህን ጽፌላችኋለሁ። ››  1ኛ የዮሐንስ መልእክት 5፥13

  1. Return to God
  2. The feast of the Cross
  3. The Two Saints, Peter & Paul
  4. The Spirituality of Fasting
  5. Words of Spiritual Benefit
  6. Thine is the Power & the Glory
  7. The Seven Words of Our Lord on the Cross
  8. The holy virgin St. Mary
  9. The Release of the Spirit
  10. calmness
  11. Comparative Theology
  12. Diabolic War
  13. Discipleship
  14. Experience in life
  15. Fasting
  16. Holy Zeal
  17. How to relate to children
  18. Jehova Witnesses
  19. Life Thanks giving
  20. Lord, How ? contemplation on plasm III
  21. Nature of Christ
  22. Ordination of women
  23. Priesthood
  24. The life of Repentance and Purity
  25. The spiritual Ministry
  26. Ten Concepts
  27. The Spiritual Man
  28. The spiritual Means
  29. The Angels
  30. The Divinity of christ
  31. Feast of Resurrection V1
  32. Many Years with the problems of people
  33. Many Years With The Problems of People Part II
  34. Quizzes on the Holly Bible
  35. The Beholder of God Mart the Evangelist Saint and Maytyr
  36. Contemplation on the Sermon on the Mount
  37. The Spirituality of Fasting
  38. The Ten Commandments V1
  39. The Ten Commandments V2
  40. The Ten Commandments V3
  41. The Ten Commandments V4
  42. The Transfiguration
  43. Thin is the Power and the Glory
  44. Words of Spiritual Benefits VI
  45. Words of Spiritual Benefits VII
  46. Words of Spiritual Benefits VIII
  47. Tears in the spiritual Life
  48. May the Lord Answer You


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  2. egziabehere yistachehu ketilu
    abenet hossana

  3. Egzabher yestilin ebakachun yeabune Shinoda tirgum metafocaciewin lemaskaget mokiru!

  4. Egzabher yestilin yetirgumaciew metafie askagune!

  5. egziabehere tsegawen yabzalachehu

  6. Egziabher Amlak yakibirilin ... gin tiyakeye Engilizegna emyachilu bizuwech alu ena Betirgum magegnet bichal yemil tikoma alegn ... wesibhat le egzibher

  7. Amen endih ayinetochim metshaf magignetachin Tiru new ena be amaregnam binagegn melikam new

  8. Egziabher Amlak yakibirilin ... gin tiyakeye Engilizegna emyachilu bizuwech alu ena Betirgum magegnet bichal yemil tikoma alegn ... wesibhat le egzibher
