- ዓለም ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የቃል ኪዳኑን ታቦት ይመለከት ይሆን ?
- ‹‹የቤተክርስያኒቱ ጣሪያ ማፍሰሱ የፅዮን ፅላት እንድትታይ እድል ይፈጥራል›› Daily mail
(አንድ አድርገን ፤ ታህሳስ በዓታ ፤ 2004ዓ.ም)፡- በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ልዩ ሥፍራ ከያዙት ቦታዎች ግንባር ቀደምትዋ የአክሱም ከተማ ናት፡፡ አክሱም የኢትዮጵያ የታሪክና የሃይማኖት እናት ከተማ ስትሆን ከክርስቶስ ልደት በፊት በ2ሺ ዓ.ዓ. እንደተቆረቆረች መዛግብት ያስረዳሉ፡፡ አክሱም የቤተ ክህነቱም ሆነ የቤተ መንግሥቱ ማዕከል በመሆን ለብዙ ዘመናት አገልግላለች፡፡ በተለይም እግዚአብሔር ለሊቀ ነቢያተ ሙሴ የሰጠው የታቦተ ጽዮን መንበር በመሆኗ ከተማዋን ድንቅ ሁኔታን ያጎናጽፋታል፡
እግዚአብሔር አስርቱን ትዕዛዛት የተፃፈበትና ከአክሱም ፅዮን ቤተክርስትያን ያለችው የቃልኪዳኗ ታቦት መቀመጫ ቤተክርስትያን ጣራው ጉዳት ደርሶበት ውሀ በማስገባት ላይ ነው፡፡ በልዬ ጥበብ የተሰራው ይህ ህንፃ ቤተክርስትያን የታነፀው በአፄ ሀይለስላሴ ሲሆን በአሁኑ ወቅት በጣሪያው በኩል የሚገባውን ፍሳሽ ለመከላከል በፕላስቲክ ተሸፍኖ ይገኛል፡፡ ፍሳሹ እያስከተለ ያለው አደጋ ደግሞ ጽላቷ ከአስርት ዓመታት በኋላ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ከተቀመጠችበት ስፍራ እንድትንቀሳቀስ እና ለአማኞች እና ለጎብኝዎች የመታየት እድልን ይፈጥራል ተብሎ ይገመታል፡፡ እንግሊዛዊ ፎቶ ግራፍ አንሺ ቲም ማኪንስ ባለፈው መስከረም ወር ኢትዮጵያን በጎበኝበት ወቅት ቤተክርስትያኑ ፍሳሽ እንደሚያስገባ አረጋግጧል ፡፡ በእድሳት ወቅት ‹‹ የታቦቱ ከስፍራው መንቀሳቀስ በምስራቅ አፍሪካዊቷ ሀገር ለሚወራው ወሬ አንዳች እውነት መኖሩን ለማረጋገጥ ይህ ጥሩ አማራጭ እንደሆነ አምናለሁ›› ሲል ተናግሯል፡፡ በአካባቢው ያሉ ሰዎችን ጠይቄ እንደተረዳሁት ዋናው የቃል ኪዳን ታቦት መቀመጫ እስኪታደስ ድረስ አዲስ ጊዜያዊ ህንጻ እንደሚገነባ እና ጽላቷም ወደዚያ እንደምትሄድ አረጋግጫለሁ ብሏል፡፡
ከዚህ ጋር በተያያዘ ዜና በ8.5 ሚሊየን ዩሮ አዲስ እና ዘመናዊ ሙዚየም በአክሱም ፅዮን አካባቢ ለመስራት ስራው እንደተጀመረ ለማወቅ ችለናል፡፡
Will this be the first time the world sees the Ark of Covenant? Leaking roof in Ethiopian chapel 'will lead to relic being revealed'
- Ark contains Ten Commandments God 'gave' to Moses on Mount Sinai
- One holy monk is the only person allowed to see the holy box...
- ...but he'll need a hand carrying metre long wooden structure to new home
A very British problem of a leaky church roof could be about to give the world the chance to glimpse the legendary Ark of the Covenant.
That's because the claimed home of the iconic relic - a small chapel in Ethiopia - has sprung a leak and so the Ark could now be on the move.
The Ark - which The Bible says holds God's Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai - is said to have been kept in Aksum, in the Chapel of the Tablet, adjacent to St Mary of Zion Church, since the 1960s.
According to the Old Testament, it was first kept in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem for centuries until a Babylonian invasion in the 6th century BC.
Leaking roof: The Chapel of the Tablet in Ethiopia that holds the Ten Commandments and has the water damage. The St Mary of Zion church, that originally held the tablet, can be seen in the foreground
Since then it's been the goal of many adventurers and archaeologists to find it. Most-famously, but also fictitiously, Indiana Jones was shown in the 1981 Steven Spielberg film Raiders of the Lost Ark.
There has also been a long-running claim from the Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia that they have had the Ark for centuries, and since the 1960s it has apparently been kept in the chapel.
This small and curiously-styled building is surrounded by spiked iron railings, and situated between two churches, the old and new, of St Mary of Zion in central Aksum.
But now the chapel - which was designed by the Ethiopian leader Emperor Hailie Selassie - has had to be covered in a tarpaulin to stop rain getting in.
The water damage could mean the Ark will be moved for the first time in decades giving religious worshippers and adventurers alike a chance to see it.
British photographer Tim Makins, 54, who is a travel photographer for publications like Lonely Planet, discovered the church had sprung a leak whilst travelling through Ethiopia last September.
Holy work: Workmen clear the ground adjacent to the Chapel of the Tablet. Right, Paintings in the old church of St Mary of Zion and the covered entrance to the inner chapel
He believes the moving of the Ark could be one of the best ways to discover if there's any truth in the claims of the East African state.
Tim said: 'During my most recent visit to the church, I was surprised to see some ground adjacent to the ''Chapel of the Tablet'' being cleared and levelled by workmen, and some quantities of building stone being assembled nearby.
'Asking around, I managed to discover that a new temporary chapel is due to be built, and the Ark is to be moved into it while the original chapel is repaired.
'It seems that the builders of the 1960s were not as careful as the builders of centuries past, and the roof of the chapel has developed some serious leaks that now need comprehensive repair work.
Sought after: Indiana Jones, right, carries away the glistening Ark of the Covenant in the 1981 film Raiders of the Lost Ark by Steven Spielberg
'To protect the Ark, a tarpaulin now covers the roof of the chapel but this is just a temporary measure.
'To renovate the building thoroughly, the roof must be stripped back to the bare bones and so a replacement chapel is to be built next door providing a temporary home for it.'
Tim said the construction of the new temporary chapel would take about three months according to workers and religious figures at the site, though he suspects that it will probably take much longer.
He added: 'When the work is finished, the Ark of the Covenant will be carried to its new resting place.'
'That this can be done by the one person allowed to see it is unlikely, as The Bible describes the size of the Ark as 2.5 cubits in length, 1.5 in breadth, and 1.5 in height.
'Cubits in today's measurements translate to about 1.31 metres x 0.79m x 0.79m and it is normally carried on two long wooden poles.
'If it really is this size, and still contains the two stone tablets that list God's Ten Commandments, then the elderly monk will no doubt need some help to transport it.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069765/Ark-Covenant-revealed-leaking-roof-Ethiopian-chapel.html#ixzz1gNs0PBqO
የተቀደሰውን የእምነት እቃ እንደተራ የሙዚየም ቁሳቁስ ባናየው ጥሩ ነው።ያለዚያ ከእስራኤላውያን ተነጥቃ ለእኛ እንደተሰጠች ከእኛም ተነጥቃ በስርአት ለሚያመልኩ ህዝቦች እንደምትሰጥ አትጠራጠሩ። እስኪ አሁን እኛ በሙሉ አይናችን ለማየት የማንደፍራትን ለምን ለ ኢአማንያን ልንገልጣት ከጀልን?ምንድን ነው ጥቅሙ?የማያምኑ ቢያዩአትም አያምኑም ከታሪካዊ ቅርስነት ያለፈ ሌላ ሀይሏንም ታምራቷንም አያምኑም።ኢትዮጲያን እና ሕዝቡን ክስንት የሚታይና የማየታይ ጠላቶቿ ተከላክላ ያቆየችን ታቦት ለገንዘብ መሰብሰቢያ ሙዚየም ካስቀመጥን፡ከዚህ በላይ ክህደት ምን አለ? ዋ!!!
ReplyDeleteታቦተ ጽዮን ከክብር ቦታዋ አገራችንን ህዝቦቿንም ትባርክልን፤ አሜን!!
ReplyDeleteanonymous፡ትክክል፡ብለሃል፡፡መጽሐፍም፡የተቀደሰውን፡ለውሾች፡አትስጡ፡ይላል፡፡ከኛ፡እጅ፡የተሰጠንን፡በረከት፡ለማስጣል፡እንጂ፡እነሱ፡አብዛኞቹ፡በረከት፡ለመቀበል፡ብለው፡በንጹህ፡ልቡናቸው፡አይደለም፡፡መጠንቀቅ፡አለብንደግሞ፡አለም፡ለምን፡ካላየሁ፡ብሎ፡እንዲህ፡ይጨነቃል፡ለሌላ፡ካልሆነ፡፡ሳያዩ፡የሚያምኑ፡ብፁዓን፡ናቸው፡ሲባል፡አልሰሙም፡፡ለነገሩ፡ታቦተ፡ፅዮን፡የፈለገችውን፡ታደርጋለች፡እንጂ፡ማንም፡እሷን፡ሊነካት፡አይችልም፡፡በፊትም፡ወደኛ፡የመጣችው፡እርሷ፡ራሷ፡ፈቅዳ፡እንጂ፡በሰው፡ጉልበት፡አይደለም፡፡የአባቶቻችንና፡የእናቶቻችን፡ፅድቅ፡ስራቸው፣እግዚአብሔን፡መፍራታቸው፡ለዚህ፡በረከት፡አብቅቷቸዋል፡፡እስካሁንም፡ጤዛ፡ልሰው፡ድንጋይ፡ተንተርሰው፡በሚፀልዩ፡አባቶችና፡እናቶች፡እንጂ፡በኛማ፡ ስራ፡ቢሆን፡በረከታችንን፡ባጣን፡ነበር፡፡
ReplyDeleteአሁንም፡ተጠንቅቀን፡ ሃይማኖታችንን፡በጾምና፡በፀሎት፡እንጠብቅ፡፡
ለገንዘብ ተብሎ አገርንና ሃይማኖትን የመሸጥ ስራ መቼ ይሆን የሚያበቃው አሁንስ ታቦተ ጽዮን እራሷ ተአምራቷን ታሳየን፡፡
ReplyDeleteምን ለማለት ፈልገክ ነው?
Deletedon't worry people no one can see that in order to see that u have to be selected by God
ReplyDeleteእንኩአን ጋዜጠኛው አባ ---- ም አያያትም!
ReplyDeleteእስቲ ይህንን ተመልከቱ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWjBP0oFgL4
ReplyDeleteከግብፅ አገር አወጣቸው ዘንድ እጃቸውን በያዝሁበት ቀን ከአባቶቻቸው ጋር እንደገባሁት ኪዳን አይደለም፤ እነርሱ በኪዳኔ አልጸኑምና፥ እኔም ቸል አልኋቸው ይላል ጌታ። ከዚያ ወራት በኋላ ከእስራኤል ቤት ጋር የምገባው ቃል ኪዳን ይህ ነውና ይላል ጌታ፤ ሕጌን በልቡናቸው አኖራለሁ በልባቸውም እጽፈዋለሁ፥ እኔም አምላክ እሆንላቸዋለሁ እነርሱም ሕዝብ ይሆኑልኛል። እያንዳንዱም ጐረቤቱን እያንዳንዱም ወንድሙን። ጌታን እወቅ ብሎ አያስተምርም ከታናሹ ጀምሮ እስከ ታላቁ ድረስ ሁሉ ያውቁኛልና። ዓመፃቸውን እምራቸዋለሁና፥ ኃጢአታቸውንም ደግሜ አላስብም። አዲስ በማለቱ ፊተኛውን አስረጅቶአል፤ አሮጌና ውራጅ የሆነውስ ሊጠፋ ቀርቦአል።
ReplyDeleteወደ ዕብራውያን ምዕራፍ 8፡9-13
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