Monday, December 31, 2018

Help the Martyrs' families - የሰማዕታቱን ቤተሰቦች እንርዳ

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በሀገራችን ከተከሰቱ የቅርብ ጊዜያት ቀውሶች ሁሉ በዘግናኝነቱ ተወዳዳሪ የሌለው ክስተትና የጅምላ ጭፍጨፋ ባለፈው 2010 ሐምሌ ወር መጨረሻ በሀገራችን በሱማሌ ክልል በሚኖሩ "መጤ" በተባሉ ዜጎች መድረሱ ይታወቃል፡፡ በደረሰው የጅምላ ግድያና ዘረፋ በተለይም በእናቶች እና ሕጻናት ላይ ደርሶ የነበረው የጅምላ ደፈራ፣ የካህናት በቤተ መቅደሳቸው ውስጥ መታረድ፣ በድንጋይ ተወግረው መገደልና በአገልግሎት ላይ እያሉ ማቃጠል፣ የአብያተ ክርስቲያናት መውደም እንዲሁም የብዙኃን ለዘመናት ከኖሩበት ቦታ መፈናቀልና መበተን ዘመን የማይሽረው ክስተት ሆኖ አልፏል፡፡  
ከዚያ ዘግናኝ ጭፍጨፋ የተረፉትም ቢሆን በከፍተኛ የአእምሮ መታወክ ውስጥ እና በሕክምና እርዳታ ጥላ ሥር እንዳሉም ይታወቃል፡፡ "መጤ" የተባሉ ነዋሪዎች በሙሉ የዚያ ጭፍጨፋ ሰለባ እንደነበሩና ንብረታቸውም በጅምላ የወደመና የተዘረፈ እንደሆነም ይታወቃል፡፡ 

ነገር ግን በዚህ የገቢ ማሰባሰብ ዘመቻ ለመርዳት የተነሣሣነው በቤተ መቅደሱ ውስጥ በግፍ የተገደሉት ካህናት ባለቤቶች (/ ምልዓት ወልደ ሥላሴ፣ / አልማዝ ያለው፣ / ጽጌሐና በርሄ እና / ሲሳይነሽ አስናቀ) የባሌቤቶቻቸው መታረድ እና በሐዘን መጎሳቆላቸው ሳያንስ ድህነት መላወሻ አሳጥቷቸው ዘመዶቻቸው ወደሚገኙቸው ክልሎች የተሰደዱ የግፍ ሰለባዎችን ነው፡፡ ሁሉም እናቶች የሱማሌ ክልልን ለቀው ሕጻናትን ይዘው ወደየክልሎቻቸው ተበትነዋል፡፡ ነገር ግን በሄዱባቸውም ክልሎችም ቢሆን ለብቻቸው ልጅ ማሳደጉ እና ዐዲስ ሕይወትን በሌላ አካባቢ መልመዱ ፈተና ስለሆነባቸው ይህንን የሐዘን ጊዜ ለመሻገር የሚረዳቸው እና ሐዘናቸውን የሚጋራቸው ፈለልገውድረሱልንእያሉ ስለሆነ የድርሻችንን እንወጣ ዘንድ ከአንዳንድ በጎ አሳቢዎች ጋር በመነጋገር ጉዳዩን ወደዚህ አምጥተነዋል፡፡ 
እኛም ከእነዚህ እናቶች እና አባቶታቸውን በግፍ ከተነጠቁ ጮርቃ ሕጻናት ጎን በመቆምና የገንዘብ ድጋፍ በማድረግ አጋርነታችንን እንድናሳይና ሐዘናቸውንም እንድንጋራ በግፍ በተሰውት ካህናት ስምና መከራ እየደረሰባቸው ባሉ ቤተሰቦቻቸው ስም እናንተን ወገኖቻችንን እንጠይቃለን፡፡ 
በዚህ መከራ ወቅት ከተጎዱት ጎን በመቆምዎም እና ስላደረጉት የገንዘብ ትብብር ከልብ እናመሰግናለን!!!

In the first week of August 2018, there was a big disastrous episode in Somalia region, Ethiopia that besieged people other than those who identified as Somali. In a nutshell, the main targets were Orthodox churches and its followers. According to some news outlets, the cause was political, and the victims were innocents by any standard. For the then politicians, to provoke the new government, they chose to sponsor mobsters who invaded the city and killed what they labeled as settlers. In the process, in hundreds died and in ten thousand displaced, eight churches were burnt, and residents of the city were robbed.

Particularly, priests were slaughtered, stoned to death, and burnt inside the sanctuaries, and rapes including of under 10 and above 65 were everywhere. The damage was unexplainable, and those who survived that massacre are still in trauma and some are still in hospitals. To that end, there has been no remuneration from the government and NGOs to help the cause so far. In specific, the wives of those martyred priests were alienated, and got displaced from the place where they lived for decades and returned into their respective regions. Life treats them harshly there too, and it became hard to adopt the new environment with those orphans.

Now, they are hopeless and in big sorrow to raise their children. People in different parts of the world are expected to share the pain of those innocent women by standing on their side during this tough time.

As a concerned citizen of Ethiopia, and follower of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, I appreciate your effort to be part of this campaign and there is no cause more than making these victims hopeful by sharing some of their burdens.

Once the campaign is over, I, on behalf of the campaign team , will withdraw the money from GoFundMe, and another member of this campaign, Berhanu Admas, will distribute  the money to the wives of the Martyred priests namely W/o Mile'at Woldeselassie, W/o Almaz Yalew, W/o Tsegehana Berhie, and W/o Sisaynesh Asnake. Then, we will update the status to all the donors.

Abel Belachew (On behalf of the campaign team)
North Carolina, US

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